Améliorez votre Glock avec le connecteur 3.5 🏆 de Lone Wolf, offrant une détente plus fluide et rapide sans modifications permanentes.
Points forts
Améliore la performance de la détente de ton Glock avec une force de déclenchement de 3,5 lb.
Réduit le poids de 25% et offre une traction plus douce grâce à sa surface nickelée et polie.
Compatible avec le Lone Wolf Ultimate Trigger Stop pour une sensation de tir plus nette, sans modifications permanentes de l'arme.
Modèle:Universal Handguns
Type d'arme:Glock
Poids du colis:0,005kg
Largeur d'expédition:83mm
Longueur d'expédition:146mm
Détails de l'article
Fabriqué au USA
US export classification: 0A501.x
Fabrication: Glock
Modèle: Universal Handguns
31.9EUR31,90 €
Le prix inclut la TVA mais pas la livraison .
Référence: 100006204
N° fabr.: LWD-342
639737068276 Le connecteur de remplacement à installer soi-même améliore immédiatement la performance de la détente sur un pistolet Glock. Il offre la même pression de détente de 3,5 lb que le connecteur d'origine, mais son poids 25 % plus léger et sa surface hautement polie et plaquée nickel rendent la pression plus douce et plus constante. Cela aide la détente à se réinitialiser plus rapidement pour des tirs consécutifs plus rapides et réduit la tentation de tirer brusquement, ce qui compromet l'exactitude. Aucune modification permanente du pistolet n'est nécessaire, donc le connecteur d'origine peut être réinstallé à tout moment. Utilisez-le en conjonction avec le Lone Wolf Ultimate Trigger Stop (vendu séparément) pour une pression encore plus propre. Ne fonctionne pas avec Glock 42/43.
Rend la pression de la détente plus douce, aide à une réinitialisation plus rapide
Le connecteur de remplacement à installer soi-même améliore immédiatement la performance de la détente sur un pistolet Glock. Il offre la même pression de détente de 3,5 lb que le connecteur d'origine, mais son poids 25 % plus léger et sa surface hautement polie et plaquée nickel rendent la pression plus douce et plus constante. Cela aide la détente à se réinitialiser plus rapidement pour des tirs consécutifs plus rapides et réduit la tentation de tirer brusquement, ce qui compromet l'exactitude. Aucune modification permanente du pistolet n'est nécessaire, donc le connecteur d'origine peut être réinstallé à tout moment. Utilisez-le en conjonction avec le Lone Wolf Ultimate Trigger Stop (vendu séparément) pour une pression encore plus propre. Ne fonctionne pas avec Glock 42/43.
Smoothes Trigger Pull, Aids In Faster Reset
Drop-in replacement connector gives an immediate improvement in trigger performance on Glock a pistol. Provides the same 3.5 lb. trigger pull as the factory connector, but its 25% lighter weight and a highly polished, nickel-plated surface makes the pull smoother and more consistent. Helps the trigger reset more quickly for faster follow up shots and less temptation to jerk the trigger and compromise accuracy. Requires no permanent alterations to pistol, so factory connector can be reinstalled any time. Use in conjunction with Lone Wolf Ultimate Trigger Stop (available separately) for an even cleaner pull. Does not work with Glock 42/43
Points forts
Améliore la performance de la détente de ton Glock avec une force de déclenchement de 3,5 lb.
Réduit le poids de 25% et offre une traction plus douce grâce à sa surface nickelée et polie.
Compatible avec le Lone Wolf Ultimate Trigger Stop pour une sensation de tir plus nette, sans modifications permanentes de l'arme.
Modèle:Universal Handguns
Type d'arme:Glock
Poids du colis:0,005kg
Largeur d'expédition:83mm
Longueur d'expédition:146mm
Détails de l'article
Fabriqué au USA
US export classification: 0A501.x
Avis des clients
Notes des clients (16)
4,1 / 5
About 80% of what I am looking for 20/01/2018
I have tried a number of different connectors on my G17 GEN5, G40 GEN4 and G43 GEN4. The LWD 3.5 lbs., the OEM Glock (-) and (.) connectors.
The take up and break on the Ghost Edge 3.5 lbs. connector are great and I replaced the OEM Glock (-) connector in my G40 with this one. I wish the take up could still be shorter, but with standard Glock trigger geometry this is about as good as it gets. I installed the LWD 3.5 lbs. connector in my G17 GEN5. This LWD 3.5 lbs. connector and the Ghost Edge 3.5 lbs. are the best drop in connectors I have tried. The Ghost Edge has the best take up of both and is super smooth. I wouldn't want it to be any lighter or it would be too light for carry and self defense. The take up of the LWD is not as smooth and requires more pull than the Ghost Edge. One characteristic where the LWD shines over the Ghost is the reset. It has by far the shortest and crispest reset and much better than the Ghost. If LWD could combine the pull and smoothness of the Ghost Edge with the reset of their LWD 3.5 lbs. it would be by far the very best connector of all there are. I would definitely recommend it as it is, but maybe LWD engineers are reading these reviews. In the end I would chose this one over the Ghost because reset is more important than pull and break to me.
Moyennement recommandé
Easy to install, but poor results. 29/10/2016
I installed this on a Gen 3 Glock 22. The trigger is a bit lighter (not even close to 3.5 lbs), but it has a spongy feeling, lots of creep and more over travel than I expected. I even installed the spring kit.
As a comparison, I installed a Ghost connector in my Glock 43. No springs or gunsmithing. Much better results.
I'll probably junk this connector and go a different route... Waste of time and money. I gave it 2 stars instead of one, because it did lighten the trigger some.
Fortement recommandé
Easy Upgrade 05/01/2016
Dropped this into my Gen 1 G17 and I could immediately feel the difference in the trigger pull. I am amazed at how this little piece of metal can make such a difference.
Non recommandé
Unsafe...downright dangerous! 13/05/2015
I bought 8 of these recently. Trigger pull was over 5 lbs. I called Brownells and was told they'd send a replacement for the one, and suggested I try others to see how they performed. I objected to this, but decided to do so later in the day.
I have installed several of them now. Each one has been different! None have been repeatable. Three in my own Glocks two in my son's Glocks. Trigger pull was reduced to varying degrees, none under 4.5 lbs. One would not let the gun fire at all. That one is my oldest, an early G17 that had a 3.5 connector in it already performing flawlessly for all these years. I put the old one back in and all is back to normal with a 5+ lb pull weight.
I then installed one in my G20 and got striker fall (firing) upon trigger return with almost most every time fired. (Thankfully, I did not have ammo in the gun then!) Again I returned the one I had removed and got back to normal. I then tried another of the LWD ones and had no trouble (and no improvement in pull).
So far I've had more issues than successes with these connectors. Bad batch? Don't know. I await the one coming and will give that a try.
So far I'm very concerned about using LWD my Glocks or in customer guns.
Last night I installed one in a customer's Glock 19. Measured pull before and after. Dry fired it several times and had no other issues, so I felt OK letting it go out. Pull was reduced from 5 3/4 down to 4.5 lbs. He was mildly happy. Added the Wolf trigger spring and it was no lighter, but felt to us like it was somewhat "better". He left happy enough.
As a life-long target shooter and gun crank, I'm disappointed in this performance. Did not deliver the expected trigger pull reduction, and was not consistent nor even safe in way too many trials.
Moyennement recommandé
Dazed and Confused 16/04/2015
Looks good, polished nice & installed in minutes. I've heard good things about "Lone Wolf" connectors... however. Maybe I received one that was made late afternoon on Friday.
I'm no expert, but have been in Law Enforcement for over thirty years and very familiar with numerous makes and models of hand guns. After installing the connector in a G36 I noticed a smoother pull, but very little reduction during a function check. During the next eight to ten cycles I did notice a slight improvement. Somewhere between ten and twenty cycles, my trigger failed to re-set. I charged the weapon again and the trigger re-set. I disassembled & reassembled to insure there was not an issue with he installation. Again the trigger would sporadically fail to re-set. I will be trying a Double Diamond or ZEV Industries connector. No confidence in the Lone Wolf.
Fortement recommandé
great trigger with additional parts 06/11/2014
I bought this after feeling a friends Glock with it. It really helps to smooth out the trigger. It is better if a spring kit (Ghost) and a striker plunger (including lighter spring) that is smoothed is also installed with the connector. I was hoping for a better trigger stop, but after installing and doing more research I discovered the connectors with an altered trigger stop/shallow trigger reset are fitted. I did polish the trigger bar with some super fine sand paper and a stone where it connects (rides) on the connector. it made a smoother trigger pull doing the polishing on the trigger. If you are not comfortable with fitting gun parts and don't have the patience to do so, then the Lone Wolf is for you. I would not install it without the smoothed out plunger with a lighter weight spring on it though. I feel it makes a considerable difference by adding the spring and plunger. However, the connector alone does make for a better trigger on the Glock considering the price of the part it is well worth the money.
Fortement recommandé
More than worth it 09/09/2013
We put in a few every week, they are the easiest and cheapest upgrade for a glock. Generally lands you around 4.5lbs, and cleaner than factory. No permanent modification or fitting required, done in under 2 minutes.
Fortement recommandé
Super Smooth 02/06/2013
This is the best product for the money you can spend on your Glock. I bought two of these (one for personal, and one for duty). It takes the harsh trigger reset (I didn't realize how harsh until I replaced it) and smooths it out. It's an easy install taking less than five minutes, and I should have done this a long time ago.
Helped my trigger pull!!! 19/03/2013
I had a brand new Glock 21SF with a very heavy trigger pull. I removed the factory connector and replaced it with this one and could not be happie. It lightened my trigger pull by several pounds. As with any Glock part it was easy to replace.
Fortement recommandé
Great product to improve Glock triggers! 16/08/2012
Combined with a NY1 trigger spring this connector creates a great trigger pull that is firm and smooth all the way through, eliminating the mushiness felt with the coil trigger spring.
Fortement recommandé
3 minute trigger job 13/02/2012
This connector improved the trigger immediately. It really improves accuracy and trigger control. Another improvement is comfort on my old trigger finger. The stock connector caused trigger pinch and soreness after shooting. Was putting bandaid on trigger before shooting to stop irritation. No more bandaid or irritation.
Fortement recommandé
One for every Glock in the safe 06/02/2012
The Glock pistol is great right out of the box. I found that the feel of the trigger press on my Glock's could use some improvement and this does the trick. You can feel a noticeable difference in the weight of trigger press and snappier reset. I am very happy with this setup in all of my pistols.
Fortement recommandé
Great product 30/01/2012
The geometry is almost exactly like that of the factory "-" connector. No mush and feels the same as the factory at a fraction of the price. This is the fourth aftermarket connector I have tried and the only one I have kept. Great for IDPA, USPSA, 3-Gun and Steel Challenge. I have carried it and felt confident with it.
Recommandé, avec réserves
Sports and plinking only 26/12/2011
I had 4 or 5 such connectors during few years. It's ok,makes light trigger pull and short reset. The trouble is - with a lot of ammo spend, you have opportunity to get a full auto Glock in your hands. Had this in G19 and two G17. It's not exactly f\a, but accidential double taps happens from time to time.
Fortement recommandé
LWD Connector 21/08/2011
Great trigger pull and excellent reset.
Fortement recommandé
Very Pleased 15/08/2011
I call this the best 3.5lb connector for the price. This and the Ghost Ultimate are the only 3.5lb connectors that keep 'mush' to a minimum and are smooth from the git-go. Nice smooth take-up with clean ramp-up....and then the break. Best improvement for the money that can be made on a Glock. This and a Wolff 6lb (XP) trigger spring and you're sittin' pretty. I don't know of another gun aside from a Glock where you can spend SO LITTLE and get such an enormous improvement in return. Buy with Confidence. I've given two as gifts already. :)
Oh, and despite the naming, in a gen3 Glock, this will give you just below a 5lb trigger pull. Ad a Wolff XP trigger spring and you'll be just above 4lb on the trigger pull weight. On a gen4, this will bring you to about ~5.5lb. Add the Wolff XP trigger spring and you'll be just under 5lbs.
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Améliorez votre Glock avec le connecteur 3.5 🏆 de Lone Wolf, offrant une détente plus fluide et rapide sans modifications permanentes.
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Permet d'utiliser toute votre main pour un meilleur contrôle du recul.
Extension « shelf » pour le petit doigt, remplace la base du chargeur d'origine.
Rend le tir avec ces petites armes beaucoup plus confortable.
Les Case-Gard P-100 sont parfaits pour les tireurs au pistolet qui passent des heures au stand de tir.
Ils sont empilables, résistants aux éraflures et dotés d'un verrou Snap-Lok garanti 25 ans.
Compatible avec plusieurs cartouches comme 45 Auto (ACP) et 10 mm Auto.
Découpe de précision et pliage pour une cohérence maximale.
Nouveau matériau propriétaire pour une tension de ressort améliorée.
Compatible avec tous les modèles Glock sauf les modèles 42 ou 43.
Ce kit contient des ressorts calibrés pour réduire le poids de la détente de ton Glock®.
L'installation ne désactive pas le système de sécurité Glock® et ne nécessite pas de modifications permanentes.
Idéal pour les tireurs de compétition, mais pas recommandé pour les pistolets de service.
Le design LITEWAVE offre une meilleure durabilité et une surface exposée accrue pour capter la lumière.
Compatible avec tous les modèles Glock®, ce guidon est parfait pour tous les utilisateurs de Glock.
Des LitePipes de .080" de diamètre sont fournis en rouge, vert et blanc pour s'adapter à vos préférences.