Style:2-Etapes,Sans Modification,Niveau Match
Type d'arme:AR .308,AR-15
Poids du colis:0,045kg
Hauteur d'expédition:10mm
Largeur d'expédition:97mm
Longueur d'expédition:122mm
Détails de l'article
Fabriqué au USA
US export classification: 0A501.c
Fabrication: AR .308, AR-15
Style: Sans Modification, Niveau Match, 2-Etapes
334.9EUR334,90 €
Le prix inclut la TVA mais pas la livraison .
Référence: 100011670
N° fabr.: 05-230
854014005083 SUPER TRICON TRIGGER - Donne à ton AR-15 les mêmes performances élevées et la fiabilité de la détente SSA avec des améliorations supplémentaires conçues pour fonctionner dans des environnements difficiles. La chaussure de détente est courbée en haut puis devient droite, avec une texture de surface prononcée et des nervures surélevées pour un contact positif et antidérapant des doigts dans des conditions humides, boueuses ou neigeuses. Elle présente un poids total de traction de 4½ lb avec une première étape de 2½ lb, plus un ressort de marteau à pleine puissance pour garantir une ignition positive. Les ressorts en acier inoxydable résistent à une utilisation intensive et à la corrosion dans des environnements humides. Engagement de détente non ajustable.
SUPER TRICON TRIGGER - Donne à ton AR-15 les mêmes performances élevées et la fiabilité de la détente SSA avec des améliorations supplémentaires conçues pour fonctionner dans des environnements difficiles. La chaussure de détente est courbée en haut puis devient droite, avec une texture de surface prononcée et des nervures surélevées pour un contact positif et antidérapant des doigts dans des conditions humides, boueuses ou neigeuses. Elle présente un poids total de traction de 4½ lb avec une première étape de 2½ lb, plus un ressort de marteau à pleine puissance pour garantir une ignition positive. Les ressorts en acier inoxydable résistent à une utilisation intensive et à la corrosion dans des environnements humides. Engagement de détente non ajustable.
SUPER TRICON TRIGGER- Gives your AR-15 the same high performance and reliability of the SSA trigger with additional upgrades designed for operation in harsh environments. Trigger shoe is curved at the top and then becomes straight, and has pronounced surface texture with raised ribs for positive, non-slip finger contact in wet, muddy, or snowy conditions. Features a 4½ lb. total pull weight with a 2½ lb. first stage, plus a full-power hammer spring to ensure positive ignition. Stainless steel springs withstand rough use and resist corrosion in wet environments. Non-adjustable sear engagement.
Style:2-Etapes,Sans Modification,Niveau Match
Type d'arme:AR .308,AR-15
Poids du colis:0,045kg
Hauteur d'expédition:10mm
Largeur d'expédition:97mm
Longueur d'expédition:122mm
Détails de l'article
Fabriqué au USA
US export classification: 0A501.c
Avis des clients
Notes des clients (9)
3,7 / 5
Non recommandé
Received my replacement 04/05/2018
I was sent the same defective trigger a second time with a note stating "as good as we have" see the picture below if this is as good as these triggers get I have serious questions about Geissele's Quality control this is supposed to be high quality thus justifying the cost. I am sending the trigger back a second time and this time I'm getting a refund.
Non recommandé
received blem/defective 27/04/2018
The trigger I received had various defects and blemishes I had to rend it back.
Fortement recommandé
Geisseleallthethings 02/04/2018
As with all Geissele product, fit and finish is awesome. This trigger is essentially the same as the SSA but with a ribbed trigger bow and less curve. It works really well for us Canucks up here esepcially because we are always either raining or snowing, so gloves are pretty much part of the range bag.
Fortement recommandé
Perfect Trigger 30/08/2015
As I write this review, I am at the same time purchasing my second Giessele Super Tricon Trigger. This outstanding trigger has become my favorite because of the excellent first stage weight and travel and the predictable and crisp second stage. I also love the unique straight trigger contour and texture that offers excellent feel and control. There is nothing else like it. I look forward to installing and using my second.
Expected more 02/03/2015
Love the shape and feel of the trigger surface. An upgrade from SSA which I use almost everywhere. However the first stage on this seems too long, and worse the 2nd stage had a LOT more creep than an SSA. Nowhere near as predictable and almost felt rough. I measured two of these triggers at 5.5lbs, not 4.5lbs as spec'd. Dunno if I got two bad ones, but they'll be replaced with my 'standard' SSA or SSA-E which so far are 100%!
Fortement recommandé
Excellent Trigger! 06/07/2014
What a shooter looks for in a trigger is a very personal and subjective matter. This is the second Tricon I have installed and find it an excellent tactical trigger. The first stage is under spring tension and will rebound to its initial position if the shooter decides to back off and not fire a shot. When the shooter decides to send a shot downrange, the second stage is light and crisp. T trigger offers a short reset so subsequent shots are rapid. Geissele offers a variety of triggers for a reason and this one fills its role exceptionally well.
Moyennement recommandé
Too much take up 26/06/2014
The Super Tricon trigger has way too much take up travel to the 2nd stage. If you're shopping for a true 2 stage trigger, with crisp 1st and 2nd stage points, and little or no travel between stages, pass up this trigger and consider one of the other Geissele 2 stage triggers. If you want a single stage trigger, choose the Geissele 3 gun trigger. Otherwise, the Super Tricon is a one- long but smooth, single stage, pull to action trigger.
Fortement recommandé
Outstandng Trigger 12/03/2014
An absolutely outstanding piece of engineering! The trigger was easy to install and performed flawlessly. Just as advertised, the trigger has a great 1st stage feel with just the right amount of spring tension and a very light and crisp let-off.
The videos provided by GEISSELE are both thorough and comprehensive in terms of installation guidance and understanding trigger design and function.
Fortement recommandé
Fantastic 11/05/2013
Bought this trigger for my AR-15 chambered in 6.5 Grendel. It has a lot of spring tension on the hammer so there's no worry of a light strike on a primer. Take up is nice and smooth, then has a super crisp break in the second stage. No overtravel that I have noticed and has a short reset. All around a fantastic trigger.
Opérateur économique responsable conformément au règlement de l'UE
Brownells France
Immeuble l'Horizon 3 Rue Jacques Constant Milleret
42000 Saint-Étienne
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Le système à double ressort Colt™ offre un recul plus doux et fiable pour votre pistolet.
Ces ressorts prolongent la durée de vie jusqu'à 15 000 coups, comparé aux 5 000 coups des ressorts standard.
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