Améliore ta sécurité avec le SAFETY SELECTOR KIT ambidextre de SEEKINS PRECISION. 🔒 Remplacement direct, disponible en noir!
Type d'arme:AR-15
Poids du colis:0,018kg
Hauteur d'expédition:6mm
Largeur d'expédition:83mm
Longueur d'expédition:108mm
Détails de l'article
Fabriqué au USA
US export classification: 0A501.x
Fabrication: AR-15
99.9EUR99,90 €
Le prix inclut la TVA mais pas la livraison .
Référence: 100018841
N° fabr.: 11580002
811452029309 Levier standard de 90 degrés, levier à course courte de 60 degrés. Disponible en noir. Remplacement facile pour l'interrupteur de sélection Mil-Spec. Entièrement ambidextre. Non recommandé pour une utilisation avec la détente Hipertouch.
Levier standard de 90 degrés, levier à course courte de 60 degrés. Disponible en noir. Remplacement facile pour l'interrupteur de sélection Mil-Spec. Entièrement ambidextre. Non recommandé pour une utilisation avec la détente Hipertouch.
90 degree standard throw lever 60 degree short throw lever Available in black Drop in replacement for Mil-Spec selector switch Fully ambidextrous Not recommended to be used with the Hipertouch trigger
Type d'arme:AR-15
Poids du colis:0,018kg
Hauteur d'expédition:6mm
Largeur d'expédition:83mm
Longueur d'expédition:108mm
Détails de l'article
Fabriqué au USA
US export classification: 0A501.x
Avis des clients
Notes des clients (6)
3,5 / 5
Fortement recommandé
Suprised! 13/12/2017
I did not actually read the product description nor reviews when i ordered it. I thought it was just a regular ambi safety with fancy arms. When i got it, i realized that it has 2 safety groove cut in it, 1 side is the regular 90 degree cut and the other side is 60 degree short throw cut. That is a bonus for me as i have both regular marked lowers and 60 degree sts marked lowers.
I did not experienced any fitment issue that other reviewers have. It fitted my Noveske, aero precision, armalite and spike tactical lowers. It is a tighter fit in my Noveske, which i believe has everything to do with the fact that Noveske cerakote and anodize all their lowers.
I will be buying a few more of these.
Moyennement recommandé
Maybe not. 04/06/2017
Safety was mot mil spec diameter. Would not fit at all in hole, when standard mil spec single selector safety dropped right in. Had to auger it into both holes so it milled out some of the aluminum lower receiver. Finally took an emery cloth to it and filed it down on both ends of the shaft. Put the lower together and it wouldn't go full 12 o'clock to release the trigger without using your thumb to give it that extra millimeter(s). Bad tetent channel maybe? Took it out and reversed it so it's now a short throw.... now it works, but a lot or work and not a cheap safety for the trouble it gave me.
Recommandé, avec réserves
Didn't fit on two different rifles. 27/04/2017
This is my 3rd Seekins ambi safety and I've been pleased up to this point. The first two I purchased were installed on Palmetto State Armory lowers and they went in and function without issue. Based on those experiences I purchased a 3rd Seekins for use on a factory Daniel Defense rifle. The safety seems a bit overlarge in diameter as it was very tight when inserted in the first hole in the receiver, and could not be pushed all the way to the other side. I then tried to install the safety on a factory Armalite rifle, and again would not fit. Fortunately I had another rifle with a Palmetto receiver that had a CAA ambi safety installed. I removed the CAA and installed the Seekins in the Palmetto without difficulty. The CAA safety was then installed in the Armalite rifle without difficulty. I could have done a bit of careful fitting and probably gotten the Seekins to fit in the Armalite and Daniel Defense but I don't really want to be sanding on an anodized part.
Fortement recommandé
Well made, easy install, good fit. 23/03/2017
Purchased two of these in black. Installed one in a Palmetto AR9 and the other in a Palmetto AR15. Both went in without difficulty, look good, and operate well. I shoot left-handed and this product makes manipulating the safety much easier.
Fortement recommandé
Great product 29/03/2016
Super easy to install, especially liked the way you can switch the controls to be 60 or 90 degrees just by turning over the base. Way better pricing than other versions on the market.
Non recommandé
Loose fit 11/03/2016
There is a 3/32" gap between the receiver and the safety lever on each side of the receiver. Almost slips over the stops on the receiver. Also, the anodizing on one of the levers is purple instead of black. I will be returning this. This is the first Seekins product I have ever had an issue with.
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Améliore ta sécurité avec le SAFETY SELECTOR KIT ambidextre de SEEKINS PRECISION. 🔒 Remplacement direct, disponible en noir!
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Les Case-Gard P-100 sont parfaits pour les tireurs au pistolet qui passent des heures au stand de tir.
Ils sont empilables, résistants aux éraflures et dotés d'un verrou Snap-Lok garanti 25 ans.
Compatible avec plusieurs cartouches comme 45 Auto (ACP) et 10 mm Auto.
Le bouton de largage de chargeur étendu ODIN Works XMR Gen II est conçu pour être compatible avec le levier Magpul BAD.
Usiné en aluminium 6061, il offre une surface plus grande pour un largage plus rapide et plus facile des chargeurs.
Son installation est simple et ne prend que quelques minutes, et il est compatible avec les fusils de style AR-15 et AR 308.
Construction en polymère moulé dur pour une prise solide et sécurisée.
Revêtement en caoutchouc anti-dérapant pour un meilleur contrôle dans des conditions humides.
Compatible avec les récepteurs inférieurs AR-15/M16 et la plupart des fusils de type AR .308.