Adaptateur facile à installer qui convertit le chargeur fiable et facile à charger Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 pour une utilisation dans un AR-15 équipé d'un upper dédié .22 LR ou d'une unité de conversion CMMG. Son design unique possède un crochet de verrou indépendant qui maintient le verrou en arrière après la dernière cartouche et le garde en place lorsque le chargeur est retiré, tout comme sur un AR-15 à feu central standard. Cela facilite les recharges et fournit un indicateur visuel que l'arme est vide après le dernier tir. Ne convient pas aux unités DPMS, Chiappa et Tactical Solutions.
En stock
Délai de livraison environ 3-6 jours. 1 pcs. dans l'entrepôt européen
Délai de livraison environ 3-6 jours. 1 pcs. dans l'entrepôt européen
Vous permet d'utiliser les chargeurs S&W M&P15-22 avec votre conversion CMMG .22
Adaptateur facile à installer qui convertit le chargeur fiable et facile à charger Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 pour une utilisation dans un AR-15 équipé d'un upper dédié .22 LR ou d'une unité de conversion CMMG. Son design unique possède un crochet de verrou indépendant qui maintient le verrou en arrière après la dernière cartouche et le garde en place lorsque le chargeur est retiré, tout comme sur un AR-15 à feu central standard. Cela facilite les recharges et fournit un indicateur visuel que l'arme est vide après le dernier tir. Ne convient pas aux unités DPMS, Chiappa et Tactical Solutions.
SPÉCIFICATIONS : corps en aluminium 6061, finition naturelle. crochet de verrou en acier 1018, durci en surface.
Lets You Use S&W M&P15-22 Mags With Your CMMG .22 Conversion
Easy-to-install adapter converts the reliable, easy-to-load Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 magazine for use in an AR-15 fitted with a dedicated .22 LR upper or a CMMG conversion unit. Unique design has an independent bolt catch that locks the bolt back on the last shot and keeps it there when the magazine is removed, just like on a standard centerfire AR-15. This allows easier reloads and provides a visual indicator that the gun is empty after the last round is fired. Will not fit DPMS, Chiappa, and Tactical Solutions units.
This magazine adapter did not work very well for me. I bought it because i wanted to get the LRBHO working with my CMMG 22LR conversion kit, but it did not work as planned. The adapter does not lock into the magazine catch or anywhere else and is perpetually sliding around. If you try to operate the bolt catch without a magazine, the whole adapter will slide down and stop working, the small bolt catch adapter may even fall out. Magazines fit very loosely and have a lot of play in all directions. The small bolt catch adapter does not interface with the magazine adapter very well and gets hung up constantly. You will have a hard time trying to release the bolt with an empty magazine in. This adapter is useless to me. Maybe it would be better if they stayed with the old design that was longer in the body to presumably locked into the mag catch. Also the small Bolt Catch adapter is not coated or stainless, and will start to rust very quickly if not kept well lubricated after each and every time you remove or install the adapter. For me its back to the CMMG magazines that work great aside from no real LRBHO.
Recommandé, avec réserves
JP Enterprises 08/02/2018
I bought this to go with JP Enterprises barrel and bolt. But in order to get it to fit I had to grind quite a bit of material off the right side and the bolt catch wont work. However it does feed from 15-22 magazines flawlessly so it was still worth it.
Fortement recommandé
Near perfect 07/02/2017
Works excellent. I have a CMMG conversion kit. The problem with the cmmg is the magazines. This conversion to M&P15-22 Kit does the job very well. Ran 1000 rounds so far, and almost flawless. The last-round-hold-open does work most of the time. I had a few times where it didn't, but no biggie. And sometimes after I first reassemble my rifle, it doesn't wanna work at first, but after the first mag, it will hold open just fine.
My only real complaint was how sharp all the edges are. They are FN sharp. I will be filing them all down shortly, but it's something that should have been done at the factory.
It's not the easiest thing to convert back and forth, as I'm afraid of losing the tiny bolt catch piece. Originally I was gonna switch back and forth between the CMMG's and 15-22's. But this thing works so well, it's staying put.
Well worth the money. It just works. If I get another cmmg conversion kit, I'm definitely gonna order another "better mag" mag adapter.
Fortement recommandé
GREAT product for my dedicated .22 upper 04/09/2014
Have an AR-15 with a dedicated CMMG .22LR upper that was VERY unreliable (usally 2-3 failures to feed/jams per magazine) with all types of ammo and after several 100 rounds to break it in.
Shot yesterday 150 rounds with the Better-Mag and S&W magazines and it ran GREAT!
I did have some issues (4/6) getting the first round to chamber by using the bolt release. Pulling and releasing the charging handle would then get it to load (one time I had to do this twice and then push the bolt with my thumb).
Also, it seemed like I could only load 24 rounds (may need to let the springs settle in).
Once it was loaded, it ran like a top with absolutely no stoppages. Much more reliable than using the Black Dog mags.
Bolt hold back works great.
Easier to load since you can pull the knobs to compress the spring.
This is a great product, and allows the S&W mags which do seem better (more reliable, easier to load).
Super happy. Will never go back to running without the Better-mag.
Fortement recommandé
Buy It 18/08/2013
I replaced my other Bolt Hold Open device and magazines that go with my rimfire conversion with this Boonie Packer adapter and S&W magazines. Works much better and the magazines are much easier to load. I'm having so much fun I may have to build a dedicated .22 rimfire upper.
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42000 Saint-Étienne
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L'extension en acier offre une surface de préhension large et facile à trouver pour un meilleur contrôle du chien.
Sa conception creuse maintient le poids au minimum, préservant la vitesse du marteau et le temps de verrouillage.
Se fixe solidement sur le côté gauche ou droit du chien avec une vis Allen en acier, idéale pour une utilisation en conditions difficiles.
Un tampon de culasse durable qui réduit les coups violents en empêchant le contact métal contre métal.
Fabriqué en polyuréthane résistant aux solvants, il assure une longue durée de vie.
Conçu spécifiquement pour le modèle 10/22 .22 LR, remplaçant la goupille d'arrêt de la culasse.
Des bases légères en aluminium compatibles avec une large gamme de fusils modernes et anciens.
Disponibles en ensembles de bases et en une seule pièce pour certains modèles.
Compatible avec les bagues de montage Top Mount et See-Thru Mount.
Profil bas pour plus de mobilité et moins de « snag ».
Angle avant pour une meilleure rigidité et un poignet plus naturel.
Conception robuste et légère à 1.9 onces, fabriquée aux États-Unis.
Le kit de goupilles anti-rotation/anti-dérapage améliore la sécurité en empêchant le mouvement des goupilles lors des tirs.
L'installation et le démontage sans outil simplifient la maintenance, sans vis à perdre.
Fabriqué en acier à haute résistance nitruré QPQ, il prévient la corrosion et l'usure pour une utilisation à vie.