Le modèle amélioré dispose d'un anneau delta amélioré (en forme d'octogone), d'un ressort de soudure et d'un anneau de retenue. Conçu et profilé pour s'adapter aux garde-mains Magpul MOE et au système de rail VLTOR CASV.
Enhanced model features a enhanced (octagon shaped) delta ring, weld spring, and snap ring. Designed and contoured to match the profile of Magpul MOE handguards and the VLTOR CASV rail system.
Type d'arme:AR-15
Poids du colis:0,045kg
Hauteur d'expédition:25mm
Largeur d'expédition:64mm
Longueur d'expédition:102mm
Détails de l'article
Fabriqué au USA
US export classification: 0A501.x
Avis des clients
Notes des clients (6)
3,2 / 5
Fortement recommandé
A nice, unique departure from original. 24/03/2018
I ordered 4 of these puppies and they are all perfect. They will not fit the magpul SL handguard. The others made by magpul really look good with this unique delta ring. I want to build something unlike something you can get off of the shelf, it works with many quad rail handguard and makes it not look like just another AR. It will fit the standard milspec hanguards, the only thing different is the shape of the ring itself. It will set my next 4 builds apart from all the other guys. I know what it will fit, and what it won't so it's not a problem at all. I'll use a lot of these for future builds.
Fortement recommandé
Great on Viltor casv 13/11/2016
Looks and works great on my Viltor casv Km-9 Handguard. Better Then a mil-spec delta assembly for my build.
Non recommandé
DO NOT BUY 23/07/2016
This delta ring will not allow you to fit most handguards and rails. I haven't found anything that fits this ring its way to big. Ordered and sent back 4 handguards and rails now. Stay away from this junk.
Moyennement recommandé
Will NOT fit Magpul MOE-SL Hand Guard 18/03/2016
I purchased the D.S. ARMS Enhanced Delta Ring Kit as an alternative to the original delta ring designed. It states that it's "Designed and contoured to match the profile of Magpul MOE handguards and the VLTOR CASV rail system." It does not even come close to fitting my handguard. I cannot attest as to weather or not it will fit the original MOE design. I do howevever know that it WILL fit the VLTOR CASV rail.
Fortement recommandé
Love it 22/01/2016
I've purchased a number of these. The look awesome with quad rails, especially the bridged type. They're easy to install, if you have the tool to build ar's. If you don't, you won't be able to put it on.
Non recommandé
Delta ring 10/12/2015
This ring does not even sort of fit Magpul MOE handguards.
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Améliorez votre AR-15 avec le kit d'anneau delta en acier noir 🔧. Parfait pour les garde-mains Magpul MOE et VLTOR CASV.
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